Searching for your unique artistic expression?
“I’ve taken lots of art classes and now I’m ready to discover my own artistic voice.”
“I've been yearning to create art for a long time and how to start is proving difficult.”
“I want to loosen up my expression and make artwork that's more abstract.”
“I’m looking for guidance to go to the next level as a practicing professional artist.”
You have company!
Investing in one-on-one attention and cohesive in-depth study of an Individual Program allows you to successfully achieve:
Depth of expression that defines your voice
Mastery of technical skill to convey your unique spirit
Confidence to stand strong in your artistic identity
Whole Artist Mastery
Individual Mentorship Programs
Rear View Mirror | oil on panel | 24” x 24”
ONE YEAR transformative Mentorship experience to discover and establish your core expression, master the tools and techniques that support your artistic voice, and secure the confidence and knowledge you need for attaining personal and professional aspirations as a Whole Artist.
Find out if it’s time for you to invest in a 1-year Mentorship program by signing up for a complimentary conversation with me.
There | oil on panel | 24” x 24”
TWO YEAR Mentorship experience that leads to being a serious practicing artist by firmly establishing your unique consistent voice, possessing full technical mastery, and owning authentic confidence in who you are as an artist. A one-of-a-kind pairing of MFA level instruction and personal guidance customized for you.
Find out if it’s time for you to invest in a 2-year Mentorship program by signing up for a complimentary conversation with me.
Becoming Tangible | oil on panel | 24” x 24”
THREE MONTHS focused on one particular aspect of your painting practice such as being introduced to abstract expression or honing certain skills and techniques to strengthen your work.
Find out if it’s time for you to invest in a 3-month Focus program by signing up for a complimentary conversation with me.
Why I can guide you on your journey:
Embracing my accomplishments as a female abstract artist has been hard won amidst the highly competitive atmosphere of art school and the art world. Having answers about who I am as an artist and how to make good paintings came from years of searching fueled by inherent determination.
I now know the questions that can help every artist who wants to make Whole Art:
What’s my work about and how do I convey that “story?"
What medium best expresses my inner voice and ideas?
Is my painting finished?
Is it compelling?
Consider signing up for 45-minute conversation with me where we’ll talk about what your goals are and how investing in an individual Whole Artist Mastery program can help you achieve your artistic aspirations.
Having been painting for 40 years, I can confidently say “I know what my work is about. I know when a painting is good, and why, and I can analyze what a painting is missing.”
I know to savor the euphoria of success and to be patient with the disappointment of rejection.
I recognize that knowing the whole experience has built a platform of authenticity where I stand confidently as a Whole Artist.
I believe an authentic voice paired with technical mastery fuels the confidence to go where you want to go as an artist.
“October: Interstate 70” Watercolor, 22” x 30”
“Lemon Fog” Acrylic, 40” x 60”
“Containing Infinity” Oil on panel, 24" X 24"